To: Selena Tarrazas
Manager Los
Angeles Public Library
630 West 5th Street
Los Angeles
Dear Ms. Tarazas
I am taking this opportunity to
submit to you this document as it relates to the emergency system at the Los
Angeles Public Library, main branch, which is located at 630 West 5 Street, Los Angeles, California 90012.
Every emergency plan has one primary
objective which is to: Reduce as much as is humanly possible, the possibility
of injuries; loss of life, damage and or the destruction of and to property
that may occur in an emergency situations. This can only be accomplished by
having a well-established emergency plans, staff who are aware of and
understand their role as it relates to the emergency plan, and are unafraid to
ensure the same is properly implemented by executing their role as it pertain
to the proper implementation of the emergency plan.
Most Emergency plans have a
systematic protocol to deal with: basic and predictable emergencies. Most
architects must consider such in the design of a building. Therefore, the
inclusion of sprinkler system, wheel (wheelchair, Stretchers, and emergency
chairs) accessible ramps at entrances and exits are some of the precautions
that help to assist in dealing with some of those predictable emergencies. The
inclusion of such conveniences, makes it easier to deal with emergencies such
as: fire, illnesses and injuries that may occur on premises.
On Sunday 12 July 2015, at 3: 30 PM,
and on Saturday 12th September 2015 at approximately 11:00 AM, I was
at 630
West 5th Street, Los Angeles
CA, 90012, which is the address of the main branch, of the Los
Angeles Public Library. Whilst I was there, the library emergency system was
activated. I do not know, what was responsible for activating the emergency
system in the first instance, however; the cause of the activation of the
emergency system, which led to the evacuation of the Library were announced on
the public address system, during the 12th September 2015 incident. Although
the nature of the activation of the emergency system that leads to the evacuation
of the building is not an all-important factor; especially where the patrons
are concerned; what is critically important however, is the urgency with which
the member of staff safely usher patrons out of the building. From my
observation, there was no urgency (not panic) in the manner
in which patron was ushered out of the facility.
Fortunately for the patrons, the staff and the library
management, especially those who were gathered at the facility, at the time of
the activation of the emergency system, the nature of the activations were not
serious enough to compromise the safety or cause an immediate threat to life
and property of those who inhabited the facility at the time.
It would be a terrible thing, if
there was to be an emergency at an institution that invites patrons to use
their facilities and service and the entire staff were safe and out of danger; however,
patrons were left behind and as a result; the patrons were severely injured and
or there were loss of patron’s life. Therefore, it is mandatory, for
institutions such as the library, to develop an emergency plan or a well
thought out system that gives, Library staff a key role in ensuring there is
order during the activation of the emergency system that requires the facility
to be evacuated, so that no one (patron or staff) is neglectfully left behind.
There must be a system of accountability and that lay the responsibility and
the accountability squarely on the shoulders of the library management and
staff. There must be a protocol that is fully understood and must be followed
in cases, where there is an emergency of any type. There must be different
established protocol for dealing with different types of predictable
emergencies. For example: a medical emergency should be met with a different
response to that of a fire emergency or an outbreak of violence within the
premises or the collapse of a structure.
The whole emergency system, is put into place for the
protection of patron and staff alike. If the protocols are ignored, then there
will be a breakdown of order and what maybe a routine occurrence may otherwise
result in injuries, excessive damage or destruction to property and loss of
life. When these protocols are followed, the chances of injuries, damage to
property and loss of the life of patron and staff are vastly reduced. Library
management must also be mindful that a large percent of people that uses the
resources of this facility on a daily basis, suffers from a wide range of
disabilities. This is an even greater reason why the emergency protocol must be
designed to include such people and must be followed and managed by staff on
the floor.
A part of the emergency plan, for an institution of the
magnitude of the Los Angeles Public Library main branch, should be more
in-depth and detail. The emergency system should be carefully considered base
on its size of the building; which numbers eight floors, seven of which are
open to the public; as well as, the large volume of people this institution
entertains on a daily basis. The library
should have an excellent emergency plan that goes deeper than an evacuation
plan to deal with emergencies that requires such.
There must be a plan to deal with
medical emergencies, which provides assistance to people who have a
pre-existing condition, who becomes ill while at the library; as well as people
who would have become a causality for the first time while at the library. There
should be a fix protocol to deal with any medical emergency that take place at
the Los Angeles Public Library. This is to ensure that no patron of the library
or library staff, who becomes ill or sustain an injury while at the library, is
not neglected, but they are exposed to the opportunity to received proper or
expert medical attention,
It is always wise, to do regular
review of the Emergency system, during the review process of the system,
decision maker and safety professionals, will take time to review the old
system, consider new and other suggestions to improve the system. It is also
critical that management ensure staff are trained and brought up to date with
the changes and updates that were made to the Emergency System. Below I will
lay out some suggestions and it is my opinion that if these suggestion are
taken seriously and are properly implemented, they can be beneficial in
reducing the possibilities of injuries, loss of life, damage and destruction to
Protocol for Medical
When there is a medical emergency of
any type, at the library, the EMT on duty or any staff with any medical
experience must be informed and dispatched to the point of distress to render
whatever aid his experience, training and or knowledge will afford him to give;
(Such person is covered from law suit under the Good Samaritan Legislation). If
the victim is lucid, the Library staff must first get permission from the
distressed person to touch and or help him or her as well as to activate the
EMS medical system on the sick or injured person’s behalf. The staff must ask
the patient directly. In cases where the library staff is going to render
medical help of any kind to a patient, the staff must first say to the victim,
I am going to help you is that ok? Before any action is taken by the library staff,
he or she must first get a signal or verbal approval before absolutely any
action is taken on the victim’s behalf. Before summoning the EMS medical help
the library staff must also get permission from all lucid victims by asking a
direct question such as: You need medical help, would you like for me to call
the ambulance so that they can received professional medical care you need. At
the lucid person’s request (either by signs or verbal communication) the EMS
medical system must be immediately activated. If the victim refused to activate
the EMS medical system, then the Library staff should asked if there is
anything they can do for them and suggest to the person; to call a family
member, guardian or a friend etc.
If the person is unconscious, Simi-conscious,
drifting in an out of consciousness or do not appear to be in the best mental
(intoxicated, under the influence of some mode altering substance, delirium
etc.) position or state of mind to make a rational decisions as it relates to
his or her health, the Library staff must immediately and without delay
activate the EMS medical system. In cases of serious medical emergencies,
available and responsible staff to solicit the help of any available person:
staff and or patron to assist the victim who is in medical distress that is
outside their scope of knowledge. The staff must then activate the EMS medical
system and to remain with the patient until the arrival of EMS (police, fire or
Paramedic/Emergency Medical Technician) staff.
In Medical Emergency the Library
Staff should never abandon a sick staff and or patron who has requested the
activation of the EMS medical system, in the care and custody of anyone
whether, or not they Identifies or declare themselves a doctor, a nurse or any
other trained or other qualify person within the medical community except for
the members of a uniformed established EMS team, who will be responsible for
administering on site medical care and the transportation to a medical facility
if that is required.
The Urgency of the
In cases where the facility have to be evacuated, it does not
matter how serious the perceived threat or threats are, the emergency protocol
should be followed with the vigor as if the threat was serious and known. We
must remember that practice do not make perfect, for if you practice a thing
wrong, you will perfect that thing the wrong way; as a result, the
implementation or execution of such will be wrong. But perfect practice make
perfect. Thus if the plan is executed each time with an urgency, following the
protocol in practice then when there is an emergency that requires a fast and
urgent evacuation, then the staff will be in the frame of mind to get the job
done because they would have practice their role with seriousness and urgency.
Below are what in my opinion should have happened. I also add on a small
extension, which will cover the actions of the Library security when the
Emergency system have been activated.
- Who is responsible for clearing the room:The staff who are responsible for managing the department are responsible for managing the clearing of the department and starting the evacuation of patrons from that floor of the library to the central exit point or away from the danger.
- Floor clearing protocol:
- the senior member of the team must in loud, calm, clear tone announce:"Please stop what you are doing and evacuate the library now.
- Then the junior person will in the same manner again make the same announcement.
- The senior person will go to the rear of the room making the same announcement at the back of the room, checks should also be made of both washrooms (male and female) to ensure there is no one left behind, are uninformed or unaccounted for.The checks to the washrooms should be conducted by the senior staff on the floor. As it is the senior staff who will be accountable for the events that occur on their floor.The Senior Library staff on the floor, will leave his floor after the last patron is off the floor. It is only then that staff will make his way to the safe zone.Disable or partially able staffSenior staff who are working with a member of staff that have some mobility impairment may allow his impaired colleague to leave his or her post, immediately after the bathroom have been checked and cleared. This can be beneficial to all if there is an escalation of the emergency and quick or rush actions is required.Lift Protocol (Escalators and elevators)Escalators:Members from the maintenance team will be responsible for shutting down the escalator that is leading away from the point of safety. Which will more than likely be towards the first floor or the basement where there are lawful means of exiting the building.The stopping of the escalator that leads away from the point of safety, will achieve the following objectives:
- allow for a greater volume of people leaving the various floors in the direction of the exits/safty
- It prevents anyone from re-entering the area that library staff is trying to clear
- It gives EMS personnel easy and safe access path to and from the various floors.Elevators:Members of the maintenance team must be dispatched to man the elevators in the initial period of the evacuation. Their main responsibility will be to ensure that people who are confined to wheel chairs, who get around with the aid of walkers, Kane and others walking devices or who have walking impediments are safely transported to a point where they can be safely exit the building.Duties of the Library Security (LS) in the activation of the emergency system.The primary duties and responsibilities of the Library Security when the emergency system is activated are/should be as follows:
- To notify E.M.S and or other appropriate response agencies about the emergency.
- To investigate and confirmed the location, cause and nature of the activation.
- To contain or eliminate the threat (threat to health, life and safety) that cause the alarm activation if possible.
- To meet brief and direct the responding EMS agencies as to the nature of the alarm, location actions taken operation zone and other useful information that may help the responding agencies effectively deal with the emergency.
- To assist in the movement of sick, injured victims, to designated safe zones.On arrival of the responding EMS agencies and after they assuming control of the scene, the security personal must on request of emergency commanders:
- Be assigned to specific floors.
- LS will search the floor including washrooms, to ensure the floor are free from stranded patron and staff.
- Library Security must report findings to control.
- Upon completion of searching of the department/ floors the security officer must then relief the library staff on their respective floor.
- The Library security will follow evacuation protocol as stated above until the facility is completely evacuated.This emergency response system must be followed but it is subject to change by the controlling responding (EMS, Bomb squad etc.) agency base on the need to do so.Sign. ___Allan H. F Palmer___Allan H. F. PalmerCc: Chief AguirreChief of Library Security